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Podcasts are a rapidly growing area for VA support

Podcasts are a rapidly growing area for VA support
Most new VAs start out as generalists and need contracts to reflect that.    New specialisms arrive in the marketplace and you define and refine your skills.  Any good VA coach will encourage you to do that.

But as you change your business your contracts need to change with you. 

Did you know that podcast support and social media support are  in the top ‘on demand’ skills?

The latest podcast VA contract add ons are designed for VAs adding podcast management or support to their portfolios. 

Designed to sit alongside the VA contract range and complement the existing social media add ons and community add ons – this helps you sort out the basics as you develop your niche.

Set is alongside graphic design and web design add ons if you are a creative VA and you have a portfolio of contracting and onboarding tools to extend the range of your basic VA contract.

For more information on the basics a VA needs whatever you do view

For the most popular add ons for niches to add to your contract view

All documents come with comprehensive on boarding, group Facebook support where you can ask questions, and free updates within your support period.

KoffeeKlatch – expanding your legal support while you expand your business.

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