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Meet Jodie Mears


Loyal Royal Member of The PA Way

Jodie has many years of high level service work experience, ranging from 1:1 EA Support, coordination and support within Bids & Proposals, to her current dual role as a Senior Administrative Assistant & Local Ethics & Compliance Officer for IMS UK at Collins Aerospace -Aviation industry.

Jodie has been with her current organisation, in the aviation industry for eight years and started as a temporary receptionist in 2012. Whilst keeping the faith and surviving many mergers and acquisitions during this time, Jodie remained loyalty to the company and her upheld her keen interest in the aviation industry during difficult times.

As a Fellow Member of the IAM (Institute of Administrative Management) she consistently strives to excel whatever her job description may say, Jodie will come up with new ideas, encourage others, volunteer, support charities and became involved in the internal Events and Wellness Committees at Collins Aerospace, of which she occasionally chairs and plays a pivotal role in supporting all employees.

Jodie has also just been given the added responsibility of becoming the Local Ethics & Compliance Officer, for two UK sites giving another layer to her depth of knowledge and becoming an added benefit to her organisation. Highly proactive with a positive outlook on life in and outside of work, Jodie thrives on levelling up her personal attributes and skills as well as gaining tremendous self-accomplishment when inspiring and helping others to do the same.

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